Ep. 179: The Outdoor Exercise Advantage
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The study’s lead researcher, Katherine Boere, hiking in British Columbia
Something about exercising in nature just makes you feel good. Hiking up a hill to enjoy forest views. Biking through the countryside. Even a walk through your community. And in fact, a new study suggests that working out in fresh air provides a special boost to your cognitive abilities – one that you won’t get if you exercise indoors. So how does exercising outside really affect your body?
Here, Medcan CEO Shaun Francis sits down with the study’s lead authors, Dr. Olav Krigolson and Katherine Boere of the University of Victoria, to understand what’s up.
Dr. Krigolson and Katherine’s article in Scientific Reports
Dr. Krigolson’s podcast: That Neuroscience Guy episode: Walking Outside
Check out these studies on the benefits of movement and being in nature:
The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature in Psychological Science
Views to Nature: Effects on Attention in Journal of Environmental Psychology
The health benefits of the great outdoors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of greenspace exposure and health outcomes in Environmental Research
Learn more about how children perform better in school after engaging in physical activity in this Active Living Research brief.
03:00 Meet Dr. Olav Krigolson and Katherine Boere, researchers at the University of Victoria who study the health effects of outdoor exercise.
06:10 What research currently exists about the benefits of outdoor movement?
07:38 Hear the breakdown of how Dr. Krigolson and Katherine conducted their study. Who participated, and how did they measure their cognitive function?
11:54 The study found that “after the outdoor walk, participants were able to pay more attention or focus more on the task at hand” than after the indoor walk.
14:07 Does outdoor activity in the city provide the same benefits as outdoor activity in the forest or by the water?
15:57 There are a few theories that could explain why our brains get a cognitive boost from spending time outside.
17:45 How long does it take to gain cognitive benefits from exercising in nature?
20:08 The researchers explain how the notifications and distractions from smartphones or wearables can actually negate the mental benefits of working out in nature.
24:44 Get Dr. Krigolson and Katherine’s advice to optimize your physical and mental wellness through outdoor movement—it’s easier than it sounds!
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