Ep. 195: Ruck & Roll: The Complete Guide
Rucking, or wearing a weighted “rucksack” while walking or jogging, started as a training technique to prepare soldiers to carry their gear long distances. Lately, civilians are praising its health benefits too—the hashtag #rucking currently has 23 million views on TikTok. Here, get the rundown on rucking and whether it’s right for you, with Move Host Dr. Andrew Miners and BackFitPro CSO Dr. Stuart McGill, the world’s leading back pain expert (pictured above).
Ep. 182: Strength Training for Everyone
Perhaps your doctor mentioned it to you: consider adding strength training to your weekly routine. And here’s the thing: Strength training gets even more important as we get older. So in this episode, Dr. Andrew Miners, Medcan’s director of sports medicine and fitness, and McMaster kinesiology professor Dr. Stuart Phillips (pictured above) provide a guide to optimal strength training for everyone.
Ep. 179: The Outdoor Exercise Advantage
Something about exercising in nature just makes you feel good. And in fact, a new study suggests that working out in fresh air provides a special boost to your cognitive abilities – one that you won’t get if you exercise indoors. So how does exercising outside really affect your body? Here, Medcan CEO Shaun Francis sits down with the study’s lead authors, Dr. Olav Krigolson and Katherine Boere (pictured above) of the University of Victoria, to understand what’s up.
Ep. 177: Summer Weekend Wellness
Between all the plans and trips you might have in store this summer, it can be easy to let your healthy habits and routines fall by the wayside. So how can you optimize your wellness while you’re away? Join fitness managers Anna Topali and Tyler Kerr and their fitness team leads to find out. They provide tips and tricks to help you turn your weekend trip from a wellness challenge to a healthy cross-training opportunity, and come back to the city feeling as great as you did when you left. (Left to right: Medcan trainers Erol Ivanov, Stephanie Tzemis & Kurt Morrison.)
Ep. 168: Can Exercise Make You Smarter?
A new study in Scientific Reports analyzed the genetic data of over 350,000 people to determine whether or not regular physical activity can really improve our brain health. So can working out really make us smarter? What type of exercise is best for our brains? Here, University of Geneva senior researcher and study lead author, Dr. Boris Cheval, (pictured above) joins Move host Dr. Andrew Miners to explore the connection between movement and cognition.
Ep. 166: Answering the Questions Fitness Trainers Get Asked Most
If you've ever worked with a fitness trainer, you probably know that they're a wealth of knowledge when it comes to health and wellness. On a regular basis, they get asked popular questions like, “Do women get bulky if they lift heavy weights?” or, “Will my sleep quality suffer if I work out at night?” Here, get the science-based cheat sheet to these and other common fitness questions that Medcan trainers are asked every day. (pictured: trainer Sean Trotman)
Ep. 162: Walking for Fitness
Medcan trainers and doctors say that the single biggest change you can do for your wellness is to go from doing nothing, to doing something. Walking is one of the best ways to get that routine going. Here, Move host Dr. Andrew Miners chats with Dr. Nelson Ferreira. They break down the physical and mental benefits of walking, and share some inspiring fitness stories from walking podcaster Dave Paul, (pictured above) and Medcan client Raysa Hidalgo.
Ep. 157: What Is Zone 2 Training, and How to Do It Right
Everyone from Peter Attia to the Global Cycling Network is talking about zone-based fitness training. It’s gaining popularity as a way to optimize your workouts and train like an endurance athlete, all while making sure you don’t work too hard. What is Zone 2 training, and how can you do it effectively— no matter your fitness level? Dr. Stephen Seiler is a professor at Norway’s University of Agder, and for decades he’s been researching the concept of the “polarized training” that separates training styles by lactate range and heart rate. Here, he explores the benefits of slowing down with Medcan CEO Shaun Francis.
Ep. 148: How to Get (And Stay) Fit in 2023
Fitness activity explodes in January as New Year’s resolutions motivate people to join gyms and begin physical activity regimens. So why do those numbers drop after March, and what can you do to ensure you stick with it? Here, fitness managers Anna Topali (pictured above) and Tyler Kerr lead a group of experienced personal trainers in a discussion about how to set yourself up for ongoing success when starting out.
Ep. 144: Can Strength Training Help You Live Longer?
Conventional wisdom (and plenty of research) says engaging in aerobic activity like running, swimming, or cycling can lengthen your life. Now, a new study suggests that adding strength-training exercises to your aerobic fitness routine will provide an added boost when it comes to living longer. Join Dr. Andrew Miner as he chats with the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Jess Gorzelitz, (pictured above) an associate professor at the University of Iowa with expertise in kinesiology and epidemiology. Learn how older people can start strength training, why lifting weights provides longevity benefits—and why strength training is most beneficial for women.
Ep. 136: Understanding Chronic Pain
Are you dealing with chronic pain and need tips on how to manage it? Anyone who has experienced chronic pain knows how debilitating it can be. But why does chronic pain happen? How much of it is neurological, and what are the best ways to soothe it? And is it possible to cure chronic pain? Dr. Michael Wansbrough (pictured above) is the medical director of the pain management and recovery program at Medcan. Here, he and our Move host, Dr. Andrew Miners, explore why we feel chronic pain. They describe how reframing one’s attitude to pain can help mitigate symptoms, and they map out a pathway to long-term relief of chronic pain.
Ep. 134: What’s The Deal with Stretching?
The debate has been going on for years: while some swear by the benefits of a stretching routine, others will say there is little to no point. What does the research say, and how much of a difference could a stretching routine make on our range of motion and physical health as we age? Can you use stretching to help heal an injury, or prevent future injuries? What sort of stretches should you be doing on a daily basis, if any? Here, Medcan’s Dr. Andrew Miners talks to physiotherapist and chiropractor Dr. Greg Lehman, (pictured above) a global expert on movement and flexibility. Learn what’s happening in your body when you stretch, how to know which stretches are right for you, and how to use stretching to improve your flexibility over time.
Ep. 120: Why Should I Care About VO2Max?
Scientific researchers believe that cardiorespiratory fitness, in the form of VO2max, should be a vital sign that doctors consider alongside heart rate and blood pressure—and Medcan has just taken steps to incorporate a test designed to provide clients with an estimate of their VO2max level. So what is VO2max—and why should you care? This episode provides the ultimate cardiorespiratory fitness explainer. Cohosted by Dr. Peter Nord and Dr. Andrew Miners, we provide background about the value and illustrate the effect it has on your longevity and quality of life.
Ep. 119: The Truth About Calories And Weight Loss with Dr. Herman Pontzer
The relationship between diet, exercise and weight loss is more complicated than you think. The work of evolutionary anthropologist and globally recognized metabolism expert Herman Pontzer of Duke University (pictured above) suggests that your body will figure out a way to offset burned calories after exercise, possibly by decreasing calorie-burning inflammation in the body. In this encore presentation of Pontzer’s conversation with Medcan’s director of weight management, Dr. David Macklin, the Duke associate professor discusses his most recent book, Burn, and the truth about metabolism and weight loss.
Ep. 118: Catching Up On Cannabis & Wellness
Cannabis has been legal in Canada for almost four years now. Eat Move Think’s very first episode explored cannabis and wellness and featured Dr. Mark Ware, the chief medical officer of Canopy Growth. Here, we get an update from Dr. Ware. Can cannabis change how we treat anxiety or chronic pains? Who is using it more, and what are they using it for? Dr. Mark Ware sits down with Medcan MD Dr. Lorne Greenspan to chat about new developments, and explore the ways cannabis and wellness intersect.
Ep. 117: Busting Sports Nutrition Myths with Leslie Beck, RD & Dr. Stuart Phillips
Which supplements actually help your muscles grow? Is all protein built the same? Do you need to drink Gatorade while exercising? Is chocolate milk the perfect post-workout drink?
Medcan’s director of food and nutrition and Chair of Dieticians of Canada Board of Directors Leslie Beck joins Canada Research Chair and McMaster University kinesiology professor Dr. Stuart Phillips (pictured above)—two of the most prominent names in Canadian nutrition— separate the most popular misconceptions from the proven methods to help you be better at building muscle and staying fit.
Ep. 114: Does PRP Work? & Other Sports Rehab Questions Answered
More people than ever before are exercising to stay fit and active well into their senior years. The field of sports rehabilitation and therapy is flourishing as a result, with lots of therapies generating buzz. But which ones work for aging athletes, and which ones are a waste of money? Medcan Chief Medical Officer Dr. Peter Nord and Director of Orthopaedic Surgery Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Elizalde explore platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and more.
Ep. 111: Move The Body, Heal The Mind with Dr. Jennifer Heisz
You know that exercising is good for your muscles and bones. But exercise can also improve brain health. In her new book, Move The Body, Heal The Mind, Dr. Jennifer Heisz of McMaster University’s NeuroFit Lab shares the latest research about how to use physical activity to optimize mental and cognitive wellness. Here, she speaks with Dr. Andrew Miners, Medcan’s clinical and product director of sports medicine, therapy, rehabilitation and fitness.
Ep. 108: Can Metformin Fight Aging? With Dr. Nir Barzilai
As you get older, your chances of getting sick and developing diseases get higher. But what if aging itself is the condition we should be treating? Dr. Nir Barzilai is the founding director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the world’s leading expert on metformin. Here, he joins host Shaun Francis to discuss the potential of metformin to fight aging, and his new trial that could change the way we view and treat old age.
Ep. 107: Can Glucose Monitors Boost Athletic Performance?
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices are being tested by elite athletes to determine whether better management of carbs and blood sugar can boost athletic performance. Dr. Michael Riddell (pictured above) is a professor at York University. As an athlete who lives with Type 1 Diabetes, Dr. Riddell has studied glucose for years and is on the scientific advisory board for Supersapiens, a glucose-tracking app. Here, Dr. Riddell explores the future of glucose monitoring and athletics with Medcan Fitness Manager Anna Topali.