Ep. 195: Ruck & Roll: The Complete Guide
Rucking, or wearing a weighted “rucksack” while walking or jogging, started as a training technique to prepare soldiers to carry their gear long distances. Lately, civilians are praising its health benefits too—the hashtag #rucking currently has 23 million views on TikTok. Here, get the rundown on rucking and whether it’s right for you, with Move Host Dr. Andrew Miners and BackFitPro CSO Dr. Stuart McGill, the world’s leading back pain expert (pictured above).
Ep. 179: The Outdoor Exercise Advantage
Something about exercising in nature just makes you feel good. And in fact, a new study suggests that working out in fresh air provides a special boost to your cognitive abilities – one that you won’t get if you exercise indoors. So how does exercising outside really affect your body? Here, Medcan CEO Shaun Francis sits down with the study’s lead authors, Dr. Olav Krigolson and Katherine Boere (pictured above) of the University of Victoria, to understand what’s up.