Ep. 200: What It’s Really Like to See a Menopause Specialist
As the Clinical Director of Medcan’s Menopause and Perimenopause Program, Dr. Jennifer Zelovitzky is working to change these statistics. In Part One of our Women’s Health Special Series, she’s joined by her former client, Norma Pasquale (pictured above). After having faced debilitating perimenopause symptoms, Norma’s life changed after treating her symptoms with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Hear her story, and learn how you can advocate for your health and get the best care and resources for your unique needs.
Ep. 194: How Human Connection Makes You Healthier
Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between—there is robust research showing that your health is directly related to your relationships with the people around you. Learn how your peers can shape who you are, why it’s tougher than ever to connect, and how you can prioritize your social life to help increase health and lifespan. Join Mind Station Team Lead Jennifer Baldachin as she chats with Genwell Project CEO Pete Bombaci, social epidemiologist Dr. Kiffer Card, and The Peer Effect authors Syed Ali and Margaret Chin.
Ep. 193: 2023: The Year in Wellness
As 2023 comes to a close, Eat Move Think is rounding up the health and wellness trends and updates that left lasting impressions on such Medcan experts as Shaun Francis, Dr. Peter Nord, Leslie Beck and Dr. Andrew Miners. How did their own personal wellness evolve? What innovations will they be watching next year? And what are the biggest takeaways that you can carry forward to optimize your own health in 2024?
Ep. 189: Flu Fighters: How to Minimize Your Risk of Getting Sick
When the temperature drops, we spend more time indoors and get less fresh air, increasing our risk of getting sick. Get tips and tricks from all of your favourite hosts (pictured: Dr. Peter Nord) to help you eat, move, and think your way to staving off the sniffles, avoiding those aches and pains, and getting back on your feet. Learn which common remedies work, which don’t, and which are essential for staying healthy.
Ep. 185: Is Noise Bad for Your Health?
Whether you’re working on a deadline or enjoying time with friends, city noise is jarring to the ears and even worse for concentration. A growing body of scientific evidence also suggests that high noise levels can be harmful to your health, increasing risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attacks. Here, environmental studies researcher Dr. Tor Oiamo (pictured above) joins Medcan CEO Shaun Francis to explore the connection between noise and health.
Ep. 173: How to Get Rid of A Headache
We’ve all had a headache that stopped our day in its tracks. To mark Migraine Awareness Month, we’re devoting an episode to the causes and cures for all sorts of headaches. So how can you know what is causing your headache? What is the best way to get rid of it, and how can you avoid them in the long run? Here, Dr. Peter Nord (pictured above) breaks down everything you need to know about getting rid of headaches, with the help of Medcan physiatrist, Dr. Marcus Jansen, and Medcan optometrist, Dr. Suneet Dhadwar.
Ep. 169: Sleep Apnea & Medcan’s New At-Home Sleep Study
5.4 million Canadians are at high risk of experiencing or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea—and not all of them snore. Sleep apnea is the most common breathing-related sleep disorder, and spending the night in a hospital or clinic is an uncomfortable and inconvenient way to be diagnosed and get treatment. Here, Dr. Chris Chan, (pictured above) clinical director of Medcan’s new Sleep Program explains who is at highest risk for sleep apnea, and he introduces a simple and evidence-based device that could help you discover your diagnosis while sleeping in your own bed.
Ep. 164: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
Sleeping well is crucial for wellness. But for those of us who work at demanding jobs, it can be all too easy to sacrifice sleep. In fact, thanks also to streaming services and social media, society is as sleep deprived as we’ve ever been. So in this episode, Medcan chief medical officer Dr. Peter Nord talks with sleep deprivation expert Dr. Ann E. Rogers (pictured above) of Georgia’s Emory University. The two discuss the reasons we’re not getting the slumber we need—and share tips and tricks to maintain performance even during those periods where you’re not getting enough shut-eye.
Ep. 149: Food Trends of 2023
Curious about the food trends that will affect how and what you eat in 2023? Medcan director of food and nutrition Leslie Beck sure is. So in this episode she checks in with Nourish Food Marketing president Jo-Ann McArthur, the author of a closely watched annual report on food trends. The two experts discuss what’s likely to trend in the next year, the innovations headed our way, and how we may eat differently in the next 12 months and beyond.